Herman Miller Week 2023
Our Herman Miller week happened in June – and it proved to be a wonderful opportunity in both Cape Town and Johannesburg to:
- Connect with the A&D and corporate community – reconnecting with good friends and loyal clients and introducing ourselves and our product mix to new acquaintances,
- Gain some valuable insights through the 2 talks that Bertie Van Wyk from the Herman Miller Insights team shared with us, with the emphasis on Physical wellbeing in the office & Places to belong – how the workplace can help hybrid teams reconnect to each other and their organisation.
- Get creative (and competitive) in a senses and spaces environment – loads of laughter, wine and good presentations…
By now – all who attended should have received the links relating to Bertie’s sessions – if you were there and haven’t received them – please let us know.
To all who joined us – thank you for your time and camaraderie – really appreciated.
If you couldn’t make it for whatever reason and would still like to explore or discuss any upcoming projects or workplace changes – please be in touch with the Barker Street team.